
发布时间: 2015-05-26点击:



    一、工作坊主题:Flipped Classrooms;Design in Classroom Instruction;Innovation & Creation Cultivating for Undergraduates


    主讲人1:Professors Brian McNely and Scott Yost

    题目1:“ Flipped Classroom Strategies in STEM Disciplines”

This session explores pedagogical concepts and methods that instructors may use as alternatives (or as a supplement) to traditional lecture-based classroom instruction. At a conceptual level, the facilitators will explore (a) the principles behind flipped classroom approaches, (b) the pedagogical risks and rewards of such approaches, and (c) notions of collaborative and applied classroom learning. At a practical level, the facilitators will offer (a) concrete examples of three common flipped classroom methods (case-based learning, just-in-time problem solving, and duplicate assessment), and (b) logistical suggestions for managing flipped classroom techniques within the context of more traditional approaches.

    主讲人2:Professor Dan Stone

    题目2:“Contemplative Practices for Cultivating Creativity”

Contemplative practices in higher education concern the development of “interiority” by exploring the relations of learner to learned (Barbezat and Bush 2014). They expand a technical education to include experiential contemplation, introspection and reflection.

Contemplative practices include methods of cultivating mindfulness, contemplative reading and writing, deep listening practices, contemplative movement, and exercises in developing trust, empathy, compassion, and kindness. Evidence suggests that contemplative practices improve learning, ethical decision making, emotional intelligence, and physical and mental health. This workshop introduces participants to contemplative practices in higher education and discusses their potential limitations, and application to, higher education.

    主讲人3:Professors Rita Basuray and Buck Ryan

    题目3:“Team Based Learning”

Team Based Learning (TBL, http://www.teambasedlearning.org/) is a pedagogical process, which promotes active learning through multimodal methods of teaching, student-teams and duplicate quizzes. TBL merges 3 pedagogical principles – flipped classroom, peer instruction and active learning through application exercises. This hands-on workshop will implement principles of TBL to explain its minimum standards, apply concepts during the workshop – leading to suggested TBL tools to address issues that faculties face increasingly, such as, handling many students in class, keeping

students engaged or decreasing time to grade students’ work.











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