一、总第2期工作坊主题:如何培养学生的思辨能力(Critical Thinking: How to Prepare Students for a Changing World)
本工作坊旨在帮助教师概览国内外学者对思辨能力的研究,进而分组讨论如何应对课堂上存在的大学生“思辨缺席症”,从而通过学科间的交流借鉴帮助教师获得如何培养学生思辨能力的启发。工作坊将邀请美国英语学会(ELIC)beat365网页版中文官网负责人Kristalyn Omland女士参加,探讨比较中外教育中学生思辨能力培养策略异同。
Facing the fierce competition of elite talents, educators home and abroad consider it a crucial task in higher education to develop students’ critical thinking skills. The Outline of China’s National Plan for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020) emphasizes that we must adopt a learner-centered approach, promote the overall development of students and help them develop a sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit and good problem-solving skills. Critical thinking is the foundation of innovation.
This workshop will focus on international and national research in critical thinking, discuss in groups how to deal with students’ inability to think critically during class, and provide an overview of the conversation between interdisciplinary educators as to how to develop such skills in students. The workshop will invite Ms. Kristalyn Omland, Jilin University ELIC Team Leader, who will explore the differences between strategies to develop critical thinking skills in China and overseas.
三、主讲人:曲鑫 嘉宾:Kristalyn Omland
嘉宾简介:Kristalyn Omland comes to us from Maryland, USA, and is in her third year teaching at Jilin University in the School of Foreign Language Education. In her three years at JLU, she has taught in all the major sections of the Elite Program, including the Tang Aoqing, Zhuo Yue, Kuang Yaming, and Li Siguang classes. She has taught all four linguistic disciplines, listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Before coming to China, she attained Bachelor's Degrees in English and Communications, and her Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MATESOL). In addition, she earned a graduate certificate in Teacher Mentoring, and studied Chinese at Northeast Normal University here in Changchun. In 2012, she was awarded the Jilin Province Award for Outstanding Foreign Expert. Her greatest joy in the classroom is to open students' minds to consider new ways of thinking, and to draw out the special giftings in each of her students.